in sentences like i like pizza, burgers, and fries.
Selfish people care only about themselves Theyre dangerous because they wouldnnt help a Hurt Person
The correct answer is My brother loves to cook, but he especially loves to barbecue.
The sentence "My brother loves to cook, he especially loves to barbecue" is a run-on sentence because each of the sections in the sentence is a complete sentence, and complete/independent sentences cannot be connected using a comma. Instead, a semicolon should be used (;) or a conjunction such as and, but, or can be added after the comma. This second method of correction occurs in the sentence "My brother loves to cook, but he especially loves to barbecue".
Answer: you haven’t put any passage in but for example dark or grin words would be negative ones or saddening, such as words related to death, negative emotions, gloomy/foggy nights and things such as that, goodluck ^^