Grupos sociales pueden tener varias razones para oponerse a las maquilas que se instalan en las zonas francas:
- Consecuencias fiscales: una zona franca es un lugar donde a las empresas se les cobran menos impuestos. Estos menores impuestos significan una reducción del ingreso fiscal que reciben los gobiernos, y que podría ser invertido en servicios sociales como educación y salud.
- Explotación laboral: además de los bajos impuestos, las zonas francas también atraen compañías por los bajos sueldos que pueden pagar a los trabajadores.
- Protección a la industria nacional: muchas maquilas son sucursales de empresas manufactureras extranjeras, no nacionales, y para algunos grupos, la industria nacional debería tener preponderancia sobre la industria extranjera.
b) Attraction
The deep desire for each other and the sexual fulfillment in the relationship between Nina and Mitch point to both an emotional and physical attraction for each other. Furthermore, it points out that this attraction is being met, leaving both satisfied with the relationship that is being established.
After hurricane Katrina, many minorities were prevented from moving into particular neighborhoods due to newly established laws about property ownership. these laws were found to be discriminatory because they excluded certain groups of people from the opportunity to choose where to live—an opportunity that was granted to others. The term discrimination denotes treating someone unfavourably because of a some characteristics or believes.
<span>Two important values a social worker should possess are, integrity and human relationship skills. I say integrity because a social worker needs to be trust worthy no matter the case. I also said human relationship skills, meaning social workers need to recognize the importance of human relationships and know how to relate and bond with people from every demographic.</span>
Answer: D
Why?: Because Japan has a person elected for the person to become the next Head government.