Not enough information to answer the question, sorry.
5.79 times
The times interest earned ratio tells us the number of times the company's made earnings in multiple of its debt interest obligation.
The formula for times earned interest ratio is the income before interest and taxes divided by the interest expense.
income before tax is $302,634
income before interest and taxes= $302,634+$63,228=$365,862.00
times interest earned ratio=$365,862.00/
$63,228= 5.79 times
Self concept is expressed in a companie's mission and it is the perception one has of his goals, characteristics, behaviours, and abilities.
It is a picture of what we think we are. In a business self-concept is important because it dictates the way we act and think on a daily basis.
When comparing mission statement of rival forms it is beneficial to try and get insights into their self-concept, so that strategies to compete with them can be formulated.
The correct answer is: $60.
Opportunity Cost is what a person sacrifices when they choose one option over another. It is also defined as the revenue of the chosen option over the revenue of the option that was forgone. It represents what was left on the table for deciding taking one option over another.
In Ben's case, the opportunity cost of going to the event represents what he could have earned working for three hours (<em>$10 x 3 = $30</em>). However, as he will have to pay for the event, he will lose $30 for the event ticket. Then, the total opportunity cost of going to the event is:
$30 + $30 = $60
b. are clear in their own minds about the scope of the negotiations.
Shadow negotiations refer to the unspoken assumptions that determine how those involved in a deal with each other, whose opinions get heard, whose interests hold sway. Therefore, this is important so the negotiators are clear in their own minds about the scope of the negotiations. Meaning that they go into the negotiation knowing who has more bargaining power and how far they can actually take the negotiation.