B. uninhibited freedom of speech
Silicon dioxide is dissolvable in water and has a high melting point because the atoms in the dioxide has a strong bond between them, which requires a lot of energy to break them.
<em>False cognates</em> are word pairs that sound similar and even are written similar, but have different meanings. False cognates can be found between different languages, but also within the same language. For example, English and Swedish word gift is written in the same way, but in Swedish gift means poison or married.
In the given ad the false cognate refers to the word <em>folder</em>. <em>Carpet</em> was translated into <em>carpeta</em> which in Spanish means folder. So the right translation into Spanish would be <em>alfombra</em> which in English means <em>carpet</em>.
Hurricanes are formed in tropical places. And hurricanes and thunderstorms are two totally different things! And so the best answer is C. I hope this helped u!