Two cell divisions after DNA replication
After the DNA is replicated, the cell undergoes two rounds of meiosis to produce 4 cells, each wIth 23 chromosomes. This is how the cell goes from a diploid to a haploid state.
The correct answer is False!
The answer is A. This ensures that the resource has enough time to regenerate so as to sustain consumption. An example is that of the carrying capacity of a habitat. If a herd of cows exceed the carrying capacity of the grazeland, the grass will be depleted and the area will be predisposed to desertification. The environment will not be able to sustain the cows anymore until the herd number reduce.
1. Isolation of donor DNA fragment or gene.
2. Selection of suitable vector.
3. Incorporation of donor DNA fragment into the vector.
4. Transformation of recombinant vector into a suitable host cell.
5. Isolation of recombinant host cell.
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