Americans grew their own food during World War I to conserve supplies so that farms could support soldiers. ... They were intended to reduce the pressure caused by the war effort on the public food supply.
An election system in which each party running receives the proportion of legislative seats corresponding to its proportion of the vote.
Proportional Representation (PR) An electoral system in which a country is divided into a few large districts, which may each elect multiple candidates.
The zimmerman telegram was a secret Telegram that was made by German Foreign Office to build an alliance between Germany and Mexico during world war I.
Social Impact:
This could damage the relationship between Mexico and its neighboring countries since the majority of them was opposing Germany
Political Impact
This Indicates that Germany wanted to expand its political influenced to American continent, not Europe alone.
If Mexico agreed with Germany's proposal, it will provide Germany with a lot of Resources that could helped them increase their military power. (such as oil to mobilize their tanks/Ships, workers, metals, etc)
Alliance with Mexico will provided strategic location for Germany to United States and Canada.
a non-neutral or unconditioned stimulus
neutral stimulus
Ivan Pavlov developed a theory known as Classical conditioning. it is when two stimuli are linked together to produce a new learned response.
Ivan conducted a research with dogs. he demonstrated how the presence of food (stimulus) would lead to the dog salivating. salivation is known as an unconditioned response. When he gave the dogs food, he rang a bell. after a period, ringing the bell led the dogs to salivate. the bell is a neutral stimulus.