Answer: Organizing
Explanation: Organizing can be defined as the process of creating or establishing a weekly thought out framework, principle, legislation or relationship among members of an organization such that the members have an almost itch-free relationship and enable them function or perform their duties very efficiently. The process of organizing may involve defining departments, allocating duties and resources, stating policies and regulation and coordination of workers by managers who monitor, guide and allocate task and responsibilities.
d. Giving too much influence to the wealthy.
Super PACs are a type of Political Action Committees, and PACs represent pools of campaing contributions and donates that money to the political candidates, in an United States elections. They channel funds for or against a candidate or a legislation.
Super PACs are officially known as independent-expenditure only committees, established in 2012. They engage in an unlimited political spending and are not tied to any political campaign. They can raise money from either individuals or corporations, and there are no legal limits on donation size. In that way, wealthy people can influence the outcome of the elections by spending unlimited amount of money for the support of their desired candidate.
Broadly Speaking, the differences between Protestants (of which there are many subsets) and Roman Catholics are:
The Bible:
Protestants see the Bible as the sole source of God's wisdom while Catholics are influenced by centuries of Church teaching and insight
The role of Good Works:
Protestants believe that salvation comes from faith alone while Catholics believe that faith must be accompanied by good works.
The Pope:
Catholics believe that the Pope is the successor of Saint Peter while Protestants don't see much Biblical authority for even having a Pope.
The Eucharist:
This is the big one. Con v. Transubstantiation. Catholics believe that you are eating the body and blood of Christ while Protestants believe it is a symbol.
Role of Mary, Saints, etc.
Role of the Sacraments
Priestly celibacy
Act utilitarianism
Act utilitarianism is the belief that an action becomes morally right when it produces the greatest good for the greatest number of people.
Act utilitarians believe that whenever we are deciding what to do, we should perform the action that will create the greatest net utility.
get money yuh yuh get money yuh yuh skee skee unh skee skee unh you don't have to bling