Average of salary of Anne and David is 1.25 of Peter's Salary
In the question, relations between salaries of Peter, Anne, and David is given. From the given relations, we need to make few equations and calculate the average of Anne and David in terms of Peter's Salary.
Let us assume Peter's Salary as P.
Then we can calculate Anne's salary A =
Also David's salary = D = 
Average of Anne's and David's salary = 
Average of Anne's and David's salary = 
Average of Anne's and David's salary = 
Average = 1.25 \times P
For this case we have:
x: Represents the number of carrot boxes
y: Represents the number of boxes of potatoes
Initially we have:

If you sold 68 boxes of carrot we have:

If you sold 71 boxes of potatoes, we have:

The number of boxes I take home is given by:
7 boxes of carrots left
There are 9 boxes of potatoes left
A total of 16 boxes remain
I'm thinking the answer would be 6 because I divided 72 by 12.
x > 7 x < 10
7 o---------------------o 10
This is not an empty set. x contains all of the values between 7 and 10.