يعينك على خير ان شاءالله يارب وياك يارب وياك يارب وياك يارب وياك يارب وياك يارب وياك يارب وياك يارب وياك يارب وياك يارب وياك يارب وياك يارب وياك يارب وياك
It’s the last one emissions ejected out from smokestacks
Fats, oil and cholesterol are all types of lipids. This statement is absolutely true. Lipids are considered as fatty acids. And fats are types of fatty acid as well as the cholesterol and oil. Usually lipids are found on any food that has oils.
Answer: B)
humans and chimps share a common ancestor.
ABI means Ankle-Brachial Index. ABI is a test used to diagnose peripheral artery
disease. The ABI compares
blood pressure in the ankle to blood pressure in the arm, shows how well blood is flowing in the
limbs and indicates if there is any or no blockage or rigid arteries. The amount of blockage establishes
the level of peripheral artery disease.