D. Use positive discipline
Positively praise a child for appropriate behaviors.
According to the Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) a healthy person should consume 0.36 grams of protein per pound.
Therefore, it weighs 128 pounds, the calculation of the daily protein amount will be: 128 x 0.36 = 46 grams per day of protein.
The vegan diet is a diet that restricts any type of animal food, such as milk, eggs and meat.
Therefore, it is ideal that the diet is accompanied by a specialized professional who will recommend a healthy diet with the ideal foods so that the ideal need for daily protein intake is achieved.
across the apical membrane of enterocytes
Bubonic Plague: The symptoms of the bubonic plague are flu-like symptoms, and discomfort in the lymph nodes. This disease can be spread through insect or flea bites. This disease is not often contagious.
Septicemic Plague: This type of bacteria multiples in the blood and causes severe symptoms (gangrene and internal/external bleeding). This can develop from insect/flea bites or from untreated Bubonic Plague. This disease is not often contagious.
Pneumonic Plague: This plague is extremely malignant. It happens when certain bacteria enters the body, and then invades the lungs. This disease is caused by other plagues that were left untreated. This disease is contagious.
There wasn’t a lot to summarize, but I hope this helps!