Cavities and periodontal disease occur when bacteria and plaque is not adequately removed from the surface of the tooth.
That's why your parents tell you to brush your tooth everyday.
If you don't, you can be carefree now but later when you get cavities, you will suffer the consequences.
You will get toothaches and if the cavities are not removed, they could go to the brain and possibly kill you.
Be careful!
Brush every place of your teeth.
La respuesta correcta es no. La patología mental afecta a una de cada 4 personas a lo largo de la vida. Cientos de millones de personas tienen algún diagnóstico psiquiátrico ahora mismo en el mundo. La inmensa mayoría de todos ellos nunca ha protagonizado incidentes violentos y nunca lo hará
It depends on how much you have.
By slowly introducing the changes and not implementing them all at once.
Between 110 and 160 beats per minute. It can vary by 5 to 25 beats per minute. The fetal heart rate may change as your baby responds to conditions in your uterus.