When a man observed a sobriety checkpoint conducted by a police department, he saw 671671 drivers were screened and 77 were arr
ested for driving while intoxicated. Based on those results, we can estimate that Upper P (Upper W )P(W)equals=0.010430.01043, where W denotes the event of screening a driver and getting someone who is intoxicated. What does Upper P (Upper W overbar )PW denote, and what is its value? What does Upper P (Upper W overbar )PW represent?
Number Arrested for Driving While Intoxicating = 7
If the W denotes the event of screening a driver and getting someone who is intoxicated.
The Probability of W,
The Probability is the probability of the event of screening a driver and getting someone who is not intoxicated. Simply put, it is the Probability of the Complement of W.