The trade network that the swahili civilization participated in is the Indian ocean, ig
The ming Dynasty rules china from 1368 to 1644 A.D., during which china;s population wouls double. Known for its trade expansion to the outside world that established cultural ties with the west, the Ming dynasty is also remembered for its drama, and world-renowned porcelain.
Max Weber argued that the bureaucratic organizational form is characterized by six features: 1) Specialization and Division of Labor; 2) Hierarchical Authority Structures; 3) Rules and Regulations; 4) Technical Competence Guidelines; 5) Impersonality and Personal Indifference; 6) A Standard of Formal, Written
Answer: Semi-arid climates
Explanation: Areas with semi-arid(also known as steppe) climates are transition zones between arid climates and humid climates. They receive more precipitation than deserts, but less than more humid areas. There are different kinds of semi-arid climates, mostly dependent on the temperature, therefore they support different biomes.
Hot semi-arid climates are most commonly found around the fringes of subtropical deserts mostly in Africa, Australia and South Asia. These climates tend to have hot, sometimes extremely hot, summers and warm to cool winters, with some to minimal precipitation.
Cold semi-arid climates tend to be located in elevated portions of temperate zones, mostly on the border of a humid continental climate or a Mediterranean climate and usually some distance from large bodies of water. Cold semi-arid climates usually feature warm to hot dry summers, though not as hot as those of hot semi-arid climates. Unlike hot semi-arid climates hoever, areas with cold semi-arid climates tend to have cold winters with some snowfall. These are most commonly found in NorthAmerica and Asia.
The Holy Temple in Jerusalem is one of the many
structures found on the historic Temple Mount, located in the Old City
of Jerusalem. In ancient times the Holy Temple was the main centre of
Jewish worship and spirituality. The First Temple was constructed in
1000 BCE by King Solomon and damaged completely in 586 BCE by the
Babylonians. The Second Temple was constructed in the same place around
516 BCE by Ezra, Zerubavel and Nechemiah and since destroyed in 70 CE by
the Romans.