Meaning You Can't See Through It.
The energy flows from the rhinoceros to the tick, and then from the tick to the oxpecker.
The ticks suck the blood from the rhinos, and the oxpecker eat the ticks.
The professor Bonefinder has made a mistake.
I't is true the Hominoid had a long snout, a large orbits that are partially enclosed, but they have no tail. This point is really critical because the morphology of an species is really important. The taxonomists use the information that morphology gave for many years to identify species, nowadays with molecular techniques some of those species are pulled apart, but the important matter is that hominoids had no tail.
So the professor Bonefinder analysis is incorrect because the hominoids have no tail.
The above paragraphs describes that how salt- and fresh-water fish regulates their osmoregulation. Hence, the correct answer would be c. have adapted to deal with osmosis.
Osmosis is the process by which solvent's molecule move from region of low concentration (hypo-tonic) to the region of high concentration (hyper-tonic) through a semi-permeable membrane.
In sea-water fishes, the body fluids are hypo-tonic to the surrounding water and thus water is kept moving out of their gills. In order to prevent the excess water loss they need to drink water constantly and excrete concentrated urine.
In contrast, fresh-water fishes body fluids are hyper-tonic to surrounding water and hence, water keeps entering in their body through gills. So, in order to prevent excess dilution they absorb salt from surrounding with the help of gills and also their bodies reabsorb salt from urine.