Since the beginning of time people were meant to belong to tribes. Helping people in need is a basic gesture that keeps us humble and essentially, human. Many peoples struggles are beyond their means and without assistance, poverty would become unmanageable.
Out of Africa theory
This theory is supported by modern research that early primate life begun in Africa and later spread to other parts of the world. several prehistoric sites have been unearthed in the East African region which supports these assertions.
Exactly.That's the way is actually is.
We call it Idiosyncrasy, these countries are not Canada: where people from this developed country still buy 2nd-hand clothes - don't misunderstand me, what I mean it's beyond belief it's a question of looking different and how other people look at you because it matters as one friend of Canada told me: quote- ..."for you it's still important to wear NEW clothes for Canada that's not important anymore".
Here in Latin America, They say: " You're treated the way you wear clothes".
Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina and Tennessee
Roberto was feeling miserable because he did not get much sleep last night. He was looking tired and messy.
He ran to meet Maria, his friend at the mall who also saw Roberto in such a pathetic condition and comment on his appearance that he seems to have been come out of the laundry basket just now.
Roberto's condition was such that it make him look very tired and untidy. Maria compares him to the clothes kept in the laundry basket which is filly wrinkled and out of shape, in very dilapidated condition.
But Roberto was hurt by Maria's comment on him. Maria used harsh words on him which he did not like. Though Maria finally told that she was joking with him but it left Roberto with feeling bad he considers Maria to be his friend and did not expect such harsh comments from her.