Portrait, as well as 100 percent scale.
The program to this question as follows:
targetValue = 0.3333 #defining variable targetValue and assign value
sensorReading = 0.0 #defining variable sensorReading and assign value
sensorReading = 1.0/3.0 #calculate value in sensorReading variable
Val=sensorReading - targetValue
#calculate the difference and store in Val variable
if (Val < 0.0001): #use of if block to check condition
print ("Equal") #print value
else: #else block
print ("Not equal") #print value
In the above Python program code, there are two variables "targetValue and sensorReading" is defined, in which targetValue store a value, that is "0.3333", and sensorReading holds a value, that is "0.0".
- In the next step, the "Val" variable is defined, that calculate the difference between both variable, that conditional statement is used.
- In if block, if the value is less then "0.0001", it will print value "Equal", otherwise, it will go to the else block, that will print "Not equal".
Internet cloud service that could be accessed by other devices with a certain password
Biometrics in this sense refers to any human information that can be used as unique identifiers such as fingerprints, iris scan, facial scan, voice patterns and typing cadence.
The advantage of biometrics is that they can not be duplicated. That is, two people can never share the same biometric information except if they are clones of each other.
Given that this kind of unique identifiers can be also be stored as data, it thus creates a cyber risk. If stolen, it may be used to access any part of the user's life. The loss of biometric data to hackers is so detrimental that it can be used to falsify legal documents, identifications documents, or other forms of and even credit card details.
Please see below
Yes, there indeed is ethical justification for hacking certain computer systems. Since computer scientists are required to keep the system secure from external threats, so they make use of it when testing the network for potential loopholes that could make it vulnerable. It is beneficial in that it can help manifest the weaknesses present in the system, which can then be corrected for.