4.01 version .
A hypertext Markup language is used for designing the web page when we added the CSS on the web page we can create the web page more efficient manner and also there is more control over the web page because we can easily call the classes of CSS.
The Hypertext Markup language version 4.01 provides greater flexibility on the web page also We can also control the page layout in a very easy manner. The appearance of the web page is good as compared to version HTML 4
Front-end the part with which the user interacts.
usually people who write this are called layout designers what languages are used (Html, css, js)
Beck-end The northern part is the structure of the site due to which it works, this includes the DBMS, logic, etc. which languages will be used(python, php, java)
People who can do both are called: full stack developr
HISTSIZE is the environment variable affects the number of past commands used in the current shell session.