Answer:Although the Incas imposed their religion and administration on conquered peoples, extracted tribute, and even moved loyal populations (mitmaqs) to better integrate new territories into the empire, Inca culture also brought certain benefits such as food redistribution in times of environmental disaster, better storage
So basically they would do extracted tribute, and even moved loyal populations (mitmaqs) to better integrate new territories into the empire
The representation is extremely needed for a representative democracy to work. Democracy means "people's rule". The people's place in the democracy is very important.
The term "death march" was probably coined by concentration camp prisoners. It referred to forced marches of concentration camp prisoners over long distances under guard and in extremely harsh conditions. Hope it helps:)
Kerner Commission<span> after its chair, Governor Otto </span>Kerner, Jr. of Illinois, was an 11-membercommission<span> established by President Lyndon B. Johnson in Executive Order 11365 to investigate the causes of the 1967 race riots in the United States and to provide </span>
Image result for Who was Henry clay and what was his compromise?
Clay was called 'the Great Compromiser' because he played a major role in formulating the three landmark sectional compromises of his day: the Missouri Compromise of 1820, the Tariff Compromise of 1833, and the Compromise of 1850.