to kill certain types of microbes, such as Cryptosporidium, norovirus, and Clostridium difficile 1-5. While alcohol-based hand sanitizers can inactivate many types of microbes very effectively when used correctly, 1-15 people may not use enough of the disinfectant, or may remove the product before they drying is complete 14.
B, European settlers were immune to such diseases like smallpox because it came from their region, when knowledge that the native Americans were not immune and the disease was lethal to them, they started distributing blankets and clothing items that were infected with the viruses and caused a major impact on native population
Hindus believe in reincarnation and during this life a person should carry out themselves in a proper way- being helpful, kind, caring, honest and most of all uphold their religion and culture (e.g. performing morning sadhana- prayers, keeping clean and worshipping the Lord), in other words- keeping God in the center of their lives. So to reap good karma, one must do all of these things, so in the next life he/she will get a better birth (a poor man in this life will be better off in the next). The first answer is the correct one- reincarnate in a more pure varna- house (life).
Abraham's "seed" whom the world was to be blessed was Isaac.