Answer: Homeostasis is a resistance to change.
Explanation: There are many other examples of homeostasis in biology, like the pH of blood and the concentration of ATP in a cell.
If there wasn't a lot of organisms and energy in the productive part of the triangle, then there wouldn't be a lot of third level organisms. The energy piramid would be a lot smaller then what it is here, and maybe if the energy source was low then there might not be such a vast varity of animals in the ecosystem.
You're welcome friend <3
A genotype is the combination of genes in its DNA of the organism that determines its traits
Gametes from parents contribute different alleles of genes to their offspring. This why gametes carry only one copy of genetic material of the organism. They later fuse to form a zygote with a full genetic copy and capable of developing into an full organism.
Depending on which kind of alleles the parents pass down to the offspring will determine the offspring's genotype. The genotype of the offspring will, on the other hand, affect its phenotype which is the outward characteristic. An example is the sickle cell trait. If both gametes from the parents contribute the recessive alleles of the gene, then the offspring will be homozygous recessive for sickle cell genotype and this will show in the phenotype pf the person who will have sickle cell shaped blood cells.
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A substance that can dissolve other substances
Answer: The Parathyroid gland
The Parathyroid gland secretes "Parathormone", an hormone that exerts
- direct influence on the bone by INCREASING the release of bone calcium ion (Ca2+) into the blood
- affects the kidney by stimulating the renal tubules to eliminate EXCESS calcium in the urine.
Thus, the calcium balance of the body depends on the secretion of the Parathyroid gland