Answer: Charismatic leaders are self confident and charming
Transformational leaders use ideas to gain support
Charismatic leaders are interesting people to whom people are naturally drawn. They use this skill to lead people, knowing that they give off a sense of self confidence that inspires the confidence of others. In contrast, transformational leaders find a shared value or idea and use that to gain the support of their followers.
The two styles are similar in the sense that they both gain the support of followers, and are effective methods of leadership.
The difference between the two styles is the driving force, while charismatic leadership is built around the leader, transformational leadership is around an idea, and it usually involves the input of the other members of the team, not just the leader.
It means that Rome was having a hard time and was dealing with many problems
a) picture prompts
Picture Prompt refers to a method of dual coding which may require students to explain an image or images used as illustrations. The understanding is that by combining verbal, written, and visual modes, information is encoded in more than one way, increasing the likelihood that important information is remembered later
<span>Anything that is done over a distance per unit time will always be an example of</span>