Answer: marketing channel
A marketing channel is the path that the product travels through before it reaches the consumer , from the point it get produced to where it will be consumed. Manufacturers produce the product but don't usually sell it straight to the customers hence they utilize marketing channel to make sure it get to the customer such as through department store and vending machine.
Marketing channels also includes wholesalers and retailers.
(B) insomnia
Before answering this question we should understand what each one of the answers means in order to determine which is most likely what Fred is suffering from. Since almost all sleep disorders can be caused by "anxiety" we can eliminate that answer.
Insomnia: means to have little or bad quality sleep very often, which can cause <u><em>anger, bipolar disorder, trauma, anxiety, and stress</em></u>, as well as make these symptoms worse.
Sleep Apnea: is a sleep disorder that causes the sufferer to stop and start breathing continuously. This can cause snoring and fatigue.
Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder: are a group of sleeping disorders caused by changes in a sleep cycle with the day/night cycle. Which can cause insomnia.
Based on the information given above we can say that Fred is most likely suffering from <u><em>Insomnia</em></u> since he is having very little bad quality sleep and experiencing stress, anxiety, and trauma about nights.
I hope this answered your question. If you have any more questions feel free to ask away at Brainly.
Micah would certainly use a form of quantitative data because his study sets to obtain numerical value of the single-parent households in his school district which can be counted and measured. Surveys can be used to obtain the discrete data he needs in the process.
This is a more objective method of data collection and Micah can have a broader look of a large portion of areas to be analyzed.
En política, se denomina conservadurismo al conjunto de doctrinas, corrientes, opiniones y posiciones, generalmente de centroderecha y derecha, que favorecen las tradiciones1 y que son adversas a los cambios políticos, sociales o económicos radicales, oponiéndose al progresismo. En lo social, los conservadores defienden valores familiares y religiosos.
El conservadurismo es un modelo mental que es enseñado de manera individual o colectiva, con base en las enseñanzas o experiencias adquiridas en las diferentes etapas de la vida de los seres humanos y con el objetivo de moldear los hábitos de las personas conforme a las creencias del conservadurismo de determinada sociedad del mundo.2
En lo económico, los conservadores históricamente se posicionaron como proteccionistas, en oposición al libre mercado. Sin embargo, durante el siglo XX algunos de los partidos conservadores adoptaron posiciones económicas liberales al fusionarse con partidos de esta tendencia, aliados en la defensa del sistema socioeconómico capitalista, en oposición al socialismo y el comunismo. Consecuentemente, en la actualidad dentro del conservadurismo político coexisten diversas posturas sobre lo económico. A la fusión entre ambas posturas se la denomina comúnmente como liberalismo conservador.
Así, dentro de la misma corriente algunos buscan mantener las condiciones presentes o un progreso paulatino dentro de un orden social heredado, otros buscan volver a situaciones anteriores, por lo que existe una cierta confusión —incluso dentro de la misma cultura política— acerca de quiénes serían, en un momento dado, conservadores. Martín Blinkhorn, por ejemplo, pregunta: "¿Quiénes son los conservadores en la Rusia de estos días? ¿Son los estalinistas irredentos o los reformadores que han aceptado las visiones políticas de derecha de los conservadores modernos, tal como Margaret Thatcher?".
The answer is explained below.
Unitary and Federal are types of government.
In unitary governance more power is exercised by the central government, there is very little power for local government and the central government uniformly applies its power throughout, it also takes all the major decisions. . Most of the unitary governments have been either totalitarian or democratic. France is a democracy governed by unitary form of government. UK and China also have unitary governments.
Power is diffused in federal form of government, is divided between local and federal governing bodies. Federal form of government is mostly found in multi national states and countries having diverse ethnicity. Belgium and US have have federal form of government.