it is important because it helps us to understand how others are feeling so we can respond appropriately to the situation.
hopee thiss helpss youu...
Over the counter drugs may be obtained without the knowledge of a physician and may have potential dangerous side effects regarding driving.
baby facedown on your forearm so the baby's head is lower than his or her chest. Support the baby's head in your palm, against your thigh. Don't cover the baby's mouth or twist his or her neck. Use the heel of one hand to give up to 5 back slaps between the baby's shoulder blades.
Make a fist and place it just above the navel, thumb side in. Grab the fist with your other hand and push it inward and upward at the same time. Perform five of these abdominal thrusts. Repeat until the object is expelled and the person can breathe or cough on their own.