- 30; 1.5
Data centers are demonstrated as the dedicated space assigned to a immense group of computer servers and their associated components that are networked together. These centers are primarily employed with the aim to gathering of huge amounts of data that are further stored, processed, distributed and provide access to such huge amount of data.
As per the question, the world's data centers utilizes the energy equal to the output of <u>30</u> nuclear plants that would be around <u>1.5%</u> of all the energy used in the whole world as they involve the use of huge group of networked computers together to handle such a large data that requires energy accordingly.
The answer is b) the federal government's assumption of state debt
Answered below
Examples of leaders who act differently to what they say are corrupt police officers. Police officers are leaders in the enforcement and abidance to the law. When a corrupt police officer goes against the law in letting criminals go free or in arresting innocent people, then their credibility is destroyed. This creates a lack of confidence in the ability of such a leader to be an effective leader.
A corrupt police officer who goes against the law takes away my trust in him and makes me see him as unreliable and unprofessional.
Such leaders would find it difficult to regain the trust their followers had in them because they have proved themselves unreliable and ineffective in their service to their followers.
According to an April 2018 report published by the World Bank, 50 percent of the Brazilian population between ages 19 and 25 is vulnerable to poverty.
make it braintliest please