Hindus recognize three principle gods
-Brahma, who creates the universe.
-Vishnu, who preserves the universe.
-Shiva, who destroys the universe.
It all depends on which god the Hindu community worships.
That statement is true.
To be precise, the united states coined both gold and silver in 1873. Before this, gold is the only material that is used to create coin money.
But the cost of production to produce gold coin is really high. Because of this, the government decided to include silver in order to drive the cost of production down in 1973.
It was the "League of Nations" that was the international governmental organization that the United States declined to join after World War I, since most Americans thought this would entangle them in more European wars.
Answer: Very few groups in the 1960s advocated violence, except the US government, in the form of military adventure, where they went far beyond advocating. A total of about 1,353,000 deaths occurred on all sides in the Vietnam war. Then there was/is the Klu Klux Klan. We need to be watchful even now. The Weathermen were a small organization and they claimed not to intend violence, but use it if “necessary.” The Black Panthers called themselves a party of “self defense.” Whether or how often individuals in the latter two groups deviated from their charters (if any) is hard to determine.
Anyway people can justify their actions of violence it doesn't mean it was justification for everybody.
During the Second Great Awakening, the way that revival meetings differed from traditional church services in America is that A. revival meetings were loud and exciting, while church services tended to be formal and quiet. You must have seen in the movies these services that include people singing, and clapping, and even dancing during the ceremony, in order to celebrate life and God. Usually, in churches, that doesn't happen, as the service is solemn and serious most of the time, with people listening to what the preacher has to say and praying quietly.