Unifying, in that it creates in-group solidarity
Here you go.
Canada has seen strong gains in cross-border trade in the NAFTA era: U.S. and Mexican investment in Canada has tripled since 1993. U.S. spending, accounting for more than half of Canada's FDI portfolio, rose from $70 billion in 1993 to more than $368 billion in 2013.
The undercover agent was able to recognize the car in two different locations because she demonstrated object permanency which is also known as object constancy. She was able to acknowledge the fact that objects remain in existence even when they don't trigger our senses such as sight, hearing, touch and smell.
Answer: Variable-ratio
Variable ratio schedule is defined as reinforcement schedule in which a response is reinforced after uncertain or sudden number of responses.It has the ability to generate high rate of response system with unpredictable factor. Example of variable ration schedule can be gambling game etc.
According to the question,Steve is reinforced into variable ratio schedule as chances of getting reward is uncertain because reward is given for assignment after number of assignment passes without any reward by instructor.