Competition refers to a relationship between rival organisms whose economic niches overlap with each other. When both organisms compete with each other for the limited resources available in ecosystem.
In the given case, the Sparrows replacing Bluebirds is a result of competition. Because they both share the same ecological niche, they are in competition with each other for the limited resources.
Therefore, competition is the correct answer.
He believes that only people who are value free (bias free) can study sociology. This means that people who believe in social reform should not study sociology because they have a particular bias and in order to become a sociologist, one has to avoid bias.
Spain sent missionaries to Florida to bring their religion to the Florida natives.
According to my research on different relationship aspects, I can say that based on the information provided within the question Alfredo was probably attracted to Belinda due to complementarity. This is when the personality or skills of one person, improve or emphasize the personality, skills, or defects of another person. Which seems to be the case in this situation since Alfredo is not good at certain things which Belinda makes up for with her skills.
I hope this answered your question. If you have any more questions feel free to ask away at Brainly.