La síntesis de proteínas se realiza en los ribosomas situados en el citoplasma celular. En el proceso de síntesis, los aminoácidos son transportados por ARN de transferencia correspondiente para cada aminoácido hasta el ARN mensajero donde se unen en la posición adecuada para formar las nuevas proteínas.
I am going to answer the questions in one brief summary of fossil fuels.
Fossil fuels are non-renewable, meaning one day they will run out.
Fossil fuels are reliable, meaning rain or shine we can use them.
Fossil fuels emit greenhouse gases, causing our world to warm up.
Extinction is the answer.
Before domestication of animals, these animals were wild and early humans used to hunt for food. The hunting process was not always successful and took a lot of energy from the body. Domestication of these animals made food available and other conveniences. An example is cows that emanated from the domestication of wild aurochs. They provided the milk and meat for humans and also labored in the farm in the cultivation of domesticated plants.