El 24 de octubre de 1929 tuvo lugar en Nueva York el desplome bursátil
más grave de la historia. El “Jueves Negro” marcó el comienzo de la
crisis económica mundial. Hubo una ola de quiebras bancarias y una
retirada precipitada de créditos estadounidenses a Europa. En los países
se hundió la economía y al cabo de pocos años la tasa
de desempleo alcanzó el 25 por ciento.
Answer:In “Marigolds” Lizabeth has one major change. She grows up and is no longer a child. At the beginning of the story, she remarks on the innocence of the children. She says,
“…. we were somewhat unaware of the world outside our community” (pg 1)
She knew that something was happening to her because she no longer enjoyed the childish games of the past. She reflects that she had,
“…a strange restlessness of body and of spirit, a feeling that something old and familiar was ending and something unknown and therefore terrifying was beginning.” (pg 1)
When the group was bored and decided to annoy Miss Lottie, Lizabeth went along reluctantly, but , when challenged, she did get into the action and threw the first rock. However, when it was all over with, she did not join in the celebration.
It was stock market "speculation" that contributed the most to the Depression of 1920-21, since the value of many companies became incredibly inflated--leading to a "bubble" that eventually burst in 1929.
Clinton was president of the USA but was enacting policies like Wet Foot Dry Foot against the island of Cuba.