Answer: Please see in the explanation column
1)on a country-wide scale -----National level
2)the director of a political agenda whose goal is to place a chosen candidate in office---- campaign manager.
3)a unified and organized effort with a goal in mind---- Campaign
4) an issue that may not be agreed upon by many different sides, and causes many debates----controversial
5)to accept and agree upon --- adopt
6)on a smaller, non-widespread scale--- local level
I assume this postulates a state statute. A decision upholding the constitutionality of a federal statute might or might not bode well for an equivalent state statute. Some federal laws are within the exclusive province of the federal government, so states may not legislate about the same subject under any circumstances, such as most matters of foreign relations and national defense. There are also categories of law that Congress may choose to make exclusively federal. The Copyright Act of 1976 did that for copyright law, which previously allowed scope for complementary state law.
The miranda rights act / case