A business is a productive organization—an organization whose purpose is to create goods and services for sale, usually at a profit. Business is also an activity. One entity (e.g., a person, an organization) “does business” with another when it exchanges a good or service for valuable consideration. Business ethics can thus be understood as the study of the ethical dimensions of productive organizations and commercial activities. This includes ethical analyses of the production, distribution, marketing, sale, and consumption of goods and services
A market index is a resulting value created from the combination of several stocks and other investment vehicles presenting its total value against a base value at a certain period. It is used to show the whole stock market at the same time keeping track with the way the market changes overtime. The practice of tracking the value of the stock market over a period of time can be used to benchmark to make a credible comparison of stock returns.
People are more creative and produce more ideas when they are in a good mood.
Corporate Social Responsibility ensures that a company replaces its unsustainable operations so that future operations don’t damage the environment
<u>The reason that Pablo Picasso, become wealthy during his lifetime and the artist, Vincent van Gogh, remain poor his entire life:</u>
Pablo Picasso and Vincent van Gogh had more features in common. They had unanimously indistinct style of arts which had become immediately identifiable.
In spite of all that, Picasso died as a rich man owning an estate which is estimated at nearly 750 million dollar whereas Van Gogh died as a pauper.
Studies claim that the reason behind this would be that, Van Gogh remained to be a loner and socially inactive. He was depending on his brother to meet the social world and in contrast Picasso was a charismatic active member in various social clubs where her had multiple number of contacts and connections.
It's been said that Pablo Picasso was a hub who had a vast network of social lines and Vincent Van Gogh was a silent or solitary node.
But now, the paintings of both the greatest artists were well spoken and sell for more than 100,000,000 US Dollars.