Easy. HISTORY or GEOGRAPHY books of specific areas you want to know more about.
The two categories of the behavior includes the operant behavior and respondent behavior.
Operant behavior: The operant behavior can be define as the behavior that is under the control of the consequences. These consequences are likely to control the future frequency of behavior. For example, A child who is allowed to hit other children and take their toy, is likely to be aggressive to other people in the future.
Respondent Behavior: The behavior which is under the influence of a specific stimuli is a respondent behavior. For example, Snapping of hand away from a hot pan, and Salivation of the mouth due to food.
I will answer the question accordingly so that it help you under stand it better.
Question A.
During an extreme heat wave, plants with white flowers survive better.
What mechanism is in work here?
Answer: Mechanism of Natural Selection
will work here. This is called survival of the fittest which means the best color which fits in harsh conditions will dominate over others and will survive for longer time.
What is the effect on the gene pool?
Answer: The Frequency of white allele will increases
because white color is the best fit to extreme heat wave.
Question B.
A person uproots the five closest plants, which all happen to have white flowers.
What mechanism is in work here?
Answer: The mechanism of gene flow will work here as color of flower represents genotype of flower.
What is the effect on the gene pool?
Answer: The Frequency of white allele will increases because genotype of white flowers is increased.
A - Lactose, glucose, and sucrose