According to the illustration of meiosis I, when sister chromatids stay together the phase to which it corresponds is telophase I (fourth option).
Meisois is a process of cell division whose final result is the obtention of two daughter cells with half of their genetic charge, with respect to the original cell. This process is divided into two parts, called meiosis I and II.
Telophase I corresponds to the phase of cell division in meiosis I, where the events that occur are the appearance of the nuclear membrane on the newly divided genetic material, cytokinesis -or cytoplasmic division- and above all due to the fact that each daughter cell already contains half of the genetic load, since the sister chromatids stay together.
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In a eukaryotic cell, almost all transcription occurs in the nucleus and translation occurs mainly at ribosomes in the cytoplasm. In addition, before the primary transcript can leave the nucleus it is modified in various ways during RNA processing before the finished mRNA is exported to the cytoplasm.
The amount of light. He is testing the effects of light, which implies there will be different amounts of light tested to reach a conclusion.
Plasmids are small circular DNA molecules found in bacteria.
This is false. Since space exploration has begun, cooperaion and goodwill has been devolped between nations.