its b i already did it and i paused
Diffusion is when particles move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. Think of it like a little kid party with two bouncy houses. Let's say that both bouncy houses have the same number of kids, but then half of the people in one bouncy house decide to go get lunch. Then one bouncy house is really full and the other almost empty! So you move to the empty bouncy house so you have more space to jump. This is diffusion. So it helps homeostasis because (back to the bouncy house example) you helped even out the two bouncy houses. Now let's say the kids come back from lunch. Now that bouncy house is too crowded so you move back to the now-emptier one. This is diffusion and you would be helping maintain homeostasis, or an equal level, in both bouncy houses.
Its Euglena
Shape change from normal elongated egg-shape to round-shape in stressful environment. These shape changes attain two transition phases. The I-transition phase is reversible where the organism can return to normal if favourable environment persists.
The answer is pelvic outlet. It is because if this is not
large enough and it is small, the baby won’t be able to be carried or delivered
out from the woman’s vagina as it won’t fit the baby and will likely lead to
complications if pushed through.