Increased intracranial pressure, brain injury, and drug overdose
The organelle you're looking for should be cholorplasts.
Chloroplasts are double membrane bound organelles, which is important for the process so photosynthesis. The outer membrane is smooth and gives the shape of the chloroplast, while the inner membrane forms sac that contains chlorophyll inside.
Chloroplasts exists in green plants that photosynthesize for energy, and they appear the most in mesohpyll cells, a type of cells in leaf.
An epoch is longer than an era.
I think the answer is NADH
PGA ( Phosphoglyceric acid) is a first stable product of photosynthesis which under goes reduction. Six molecules of 3-PGA is reduced to six molecules of a chemical compound called glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P). In this conversion; six molecules of both ATP and NADPH are used. In this reduction reaction, there is gain of electrons by 3-PGA. NADPH is oxidized to NADP+ to give elections and energy is given by ATP.