Every additional three and a half bales meant an additional field-hand, so that in round numbers 1,400,000 more were employed in the cotton-fields in 1860 to produce 5,400,000 bales than to produce the 450,000 bales of 1820.
Answer: C
Explanation: On February 10, 1763, the Treaty of Paris brought the French and Indian War to a close, and all lands previously controlled by the French were now under British control. American Indians in the Ohio Country, Illinois Country, and Great Lakes region feared the loss of their French allies and the influx of colonists from east of the Appalachian Mountains settling on their land. To prevent the incursion of colonial settlers, Pontiac encouraged Ohio Country tribes to unite and to rise up against the British.
They're called the <span>Nuremberg Laws</span>
Answer: Ancient Athenians served as a model for Western societies because they believed in (and also created) democracy.