D. Most of the energy from photosynthesis flows out as heat
Energy flow is the amount of energy that moves through a food chain in a given ecosystem.
Producers such as green plants in a ecosystem convert energy from the the sun into carbon bonds, such as those found in the sugar glucose through the process of photosynthesis.
The amount of chemical energy storied as nutrients in the bodies and wastes of organisms flows through ecosystems from one trophic level to the next and through this flow energy also is lost as heat. And the chemical energy available to the succeeding feeding level decreases.
Dna extration from a onion and from a cauliflower would be different because even though all DNA is composed by the same nucleotides (A, T, C and G), the sequence of their genes will be different. That difference is why a cauliflower doesn't look like a onion. The cauliflower has genes that, when expressed, make the organism look like cauliflower and nothing else..
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In the stroma of the chloroplast is where the Calvin cycle enzymes are located.
Regardless of the tools they use, scientists conduct modern ecological research using three basic approaches:
• observing
• experimenting
• modeling
All of these approaches rely on the application of scientific methods to guide ecological inquiry.