D trade attracted people from many regions to the city states bringing more cultural diffusion
The President has used his role as commander-in-chief to initiate military actions, but not war.
The difference between a military action or intervention and war is diffuse and subject of debate among constitutional scholars. It seems that if the president sends military abroad without approval of Congress, then, it is a military intervention, and if the president does the same with approval of Congress (as it happened in World War II, the last time Congress declared war), then, it is war.
Therefore, the Korean, Vietnam, Iraq, and most recently, Libya and Syria interventions are not legally considered war, but military interventions.
A) Grant favored defensive tactics while Lee relied on relentless offensive to win battles
Both mobilizations were important, but the industrial one seems to have greater weight, since this influences the population in general, and the military affected only where a conflict developed, it mobilized all available resources to obtain the highest military capacity in a specific area, but the industrial one had the capacity to produce what was necessary for war, as a fundamental and determining element in the outcome.