Line 3: The autumn moon smiled down upon our harvest party
It says that the moon is smiling and that is personification. The moon doesn't actually smile.
This is personification
Rodion is poverty stricken for the narrator tells us that he was in huge debt to his landlady, dressed shabbily and that he was 'crushed by poverty'.
He did not have a care about his looks for his heart was full of hatred and spiteful contempt for the outside world.
The character of Rodion is from Fyodor Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment". He is shown as a poor ex- law student in need of money who commits a crime t fund his educational purposes.
We can know Rodion is "<em>poverty stricken</em>" by the way the writer had written in the very first chapter of the book. The narrator states "<em>He was hopelessly in debt to his landlady</em>" and that "<em>He was crushed by poverty</em>". Such was his condition, which we again see in the later lines "<em>He was so badly dressed that even a man accustomed to shabbiness would have been ashamed to be seen in the street in such rags</em>".
He wasn't bothered at all to wear his shabby clothes outside as he has too much of contempt and spite for the outside world. The narrator tells us that he had "<em>accumulated bitterness and contempt in the young man’s heart, that, in spite of all the fastidiousness of youth, he minded his rags least of all in the street</em>".
In "Mending Wall", by Robert Frost, the person who questions the necessity of the fence is the narrator. The narrator is not sure whether to mend the fence or not, but his neighbor repeats his father's words and traditions 'Good fences make good neighbors'. He thinks that mending the wall is being practical and doesn't want to hear the narrator's opinion against its utility.
The rain stopped but there was a thick white mist.
The correct answer is C. Automobiles
Neruda uses all three mentioned there, including stores and goods. Depending on the translation, you might find spectacles instead of glasses, but the point remains. He says he doesn't want to look at them no more and wants to lie still like stones or wool.