C because the famous saying is Manifest destiny is the god given right. Spreading culture is the definition.
I believe that a society can function in a state of anarchy only as long as all of the citizens residing in that state care for the public welfare as much as they care for their personal welfare. A society in which there is no structure cannot stand however a society with structure not upheld by a government can stand as long as all of the citizens residing inside of the society uphold it themselves. It must be a utopian society in which the golden rule is the law and no one violates it and remains in the community. For a society without structure will collapse.
From Texas, more citizens joined the armed forces than from any other U.S. state. Texas contributed with products such as beef, petroleum products, medical supplies, weapons and equipment which were used by troops oversees.
We really don't know if it was a hydrogen bomb or not. It is seriously doubted though because their are seismic detectors all over the world and the bomb wasn't as strong as it should have been. The U.S have said that the records that the bomb gave off was around a 4.8 magnitude event. A hydrogen bomb would've given off a 6.8. So their was definitely an explosion, but not as big as korea claims it to have been.