What is meant by daily life is by experience. All of us experience art in one form or another during our day. One example of this is literary art. This is when you experience or write a letter, story, or book. Two parts of daily life that can be seen in art are street art. This is when you see the art that people spray paint on the walls of stores or under bridges.
There are multiple art forms other than "drawing". I have just stated a few. If i could help you Your welcome. If I couldn't then I am sorry.
<u><em>Tenuto: Hold the note in question its full length (or longer, with slight rubato), or play the note slightly louder.</em></u>
<u><em>Staccato: Signifies a note of shortened duration or detached (not legato)</em></u>
<u><em>Legato: Indicates musical notes are to be played or sung smoothly and connected.</em></u>
Metal spoon
Metal knife
Metal fork
Chinese cooking pot
Washing machine
Metal plate
The knight helmet at Medieval Europe
The metal sword
The metal armor
Table leg
Go ahead, I believe in you
Their emphasis on the power of personal imagination puts them in the tradition of Romanticism, but unlike their forebears, they believed that revelations could be found on the street and in everyday life. The Surrealist impulse to tap the unconscious mind, and their interests in myth and primitivism, went on to shape many later movements, and the style remains influential to this today.