1 & 2 (&) / 1 & a 2 / 1 2 / 1 e & a (2) / 1 (&) 2 (&) / 1 (&) 2 (&) /3/4 Time:1 & 2 (&) 3 & a / 1 2 3 / 1 e & a (2) 3 (&) / 1 (&) 2 (&) 3 ...
that is that answer
yes, the cursed 9th symphony. get's em every time
Ludwig van Beethoven, Franz Schubert, Antonín Dvorák, Anton Bruckner, Gustav Mahler, Kurt Atterberg, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Roger Sessions, Egon Wellesz, Alexander Glazunov, and Malcolm Arnold
all died on their 9th. smh
Still life was an important genre to Cézanne, who made approximately two hundred such paintings over the course of four decades. In Still Life with Fruit Dish he created a shallow, compressed space that flattens the sculptural volumes of dish, glass, and fruit.