Necessary and Proper Clause
The Necessary and Proper Clause allows the Federal Government to make laws that are necessary for the exercise of other powers established by the Constitution.
"[The Congress shall have Power . . .] To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof."
3) after Poland surrendered, what the Germans did to the Jewish was they would take them and put them in carts. The carts would go to different camps that where they would start by lining up in lines and the Germans would seperate the men and the woman and kids. The men would go one way and then woman would normally go to the gas chambers where they were killed. Some of the woman we able to go with the men. But the Jewish were treated very poorly. They wouldn’t get fed and they would sleep in these horrible conditions and would be put to work everyday. If you got too sick or weren’t able to work anymore they would go into the he gas chambers or they would be burned. Everyday there were carts going through the camps and that would pick up some of the Jews and bring them to Auschwitz. Where literally everyone that was there were burned or gassed. No one knew that the Jews were being treated like this, only them and the German Army. Sometimes not even the Germans army’s families knew that they were doing that.
Most soldiers started to use gas bombs
It makes you focus in on the bigger picture. HE HAD A DREAM. He wants to keep your attention focused on the bigger picture while also listing his other desires