just tell the truth and say IM sorry for not doing the assignment can u give me more time
trust me it worked
I believe the linking word is Sounded
The mind map method is made of five parts: a box, arrows, circles, stars, and free-floaters. The box is the place where you write the main topic. The arrows connect the box with other parts of the mind map and show the relationship between ideas. The circles are where you write subordinate ideas of the main idea. The stars serve the same function as circles except they are starred because the information contained within them is especially important. Free-floaters are circles or stars that are not connected to the main idea. They are important ideas that seem to be off-topic. For me, I feel that I could use the mind map method as a way to organize each chapter of Gulliver’s Travels.
c) Eteocles defends Thebes against his own brother proving his loyalty.
Because of his decision to stand up for Thebes despite the fact that it meant going up against his own brother, Eteocles has shown his unwavering devotion to the city. It shows that he is a loyal person, regardless of his family's blood ties. Putting one's country before one's own family is one of the greatest acts of patriotism one can commit.