Because Malcolm was "born of a woman" -- that is, naturally.
We all need clean water. Some countries all over the world have to drink dirty, impure water this is unhygienic and unhealthy and I think that everyone has the right to drinking good, healthy water.
Humpty-Dumpty is a nursery rhyme best known in English language. The rhyme was earliest published in 1797 in Samuel Arnold's Juvenile Amusements. The lyrics of the rhyme have been changed over the years.
The meterical syllables used in the poem is 'trochaic tetrameter.' Trochaic tetrameter is a line in poem where stressed syllable is followed by unstressed syllables and contains four beats.
Therefore, the accented syllables or stressed syllables in each line of the poem are four. Thus 4 is correct answer.
she sees how he lives and pitys the stranger
Alliteration is the literary devise that is illustrated