No, because there are people homeless and like ethan crumbly's parents who are deeply in debt.
I would say that "The main problem is that Hansel and Gretal's Father was tricked into thinking that his children would actually come back to him.
Oh and I would also change it by changing the fact that you wrote that "... it was actually the kids fault for running away.
And actually, The Mother <u><em>did</em></u> abandon her kids. When she tricked Hansel and Gretal's Father and abandoned the 2 kids.
Hope you like it! ;-)
<span>The electric elevator was patented by Alexander Miles in 1887, though one had been built by the German inventor Werner von Siemens in 1880.</span>
As seems to happen so often in politics, the Federalists opposed the Louisiana Purchase not on principled grounds but because they thought it would hurt them politically. They claimed to oppose the Purchase because it was unconstitutional.
It should be understood that the nominal GDP is the total value of all goods and services produced in a given time period, usually quarterly or annually with inflation, while that of Real GDP is the inflation-corrected value of goods.
This means that the inflation during year B is higher than that of year A and that's why the nominal GDP of year B is a bit lower than that of year A.