They used it because it was cheep but very strong so it made costs go down
The Stonewall riots (also referred to as the Stonewall uprising or the Stonewall rebellion) were a series of spontaneous, violent demonstrations by members of the gay (LGBT) community against a police raid that began in the early morning hours of June 28, 1969, at the Stonewall Inn in the Greenwich Village neighborhood
lot has changed for LGBTQ Americans in the 50 years since June 28, 1969, when an uprising in response to a police raid at the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in Manhattan’s West Village neighborhood, kicked off a new chapter of grassroots activism. The U.S. Supreme Court has struck down state bans on same-sex marriage; the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy has come and gone; one of the candidates for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination is gay.
But one thing that has changed surprisingly little is the narrative about what exactly happened that night. In half a century, we haven’t gained any new major information about how Stonewall started, and even experts and eyewitnesses remain unsure how exactly things turned violent.
“We have, since 1969, been trading the same few tales about the riots from the same few accounts — trading them for so long that they have transmogrified into simplistic myth,”
Being civically engaged means being more concerned and affected by the true events happening around you like community issues and politics. They tend to be more involved in making a significant contribution to the community. Because of this, these people would more likely vote because they want their voices to be heard and actually matter.
Working Memory
A cognitive apparatus known as working memory has a finite capacity and can only temporarily store information. Reasoning and the direction of decision-making and behavior depend on working memory. Working memory and short-term memory are frequently used interchangeably, however some theorists believe the two memory types are separate because working memory permits the manipulation of information that has been stored, whereas short-term memory merely refers to the temporary storing of information. A key theoretical idea in cognitive psychology, neuropsychology, and neuroscience is working memory.
What is the working memory's four parts?</h2>
It can be divided into four sections:
- the central executive,
- the phonological loop (which stores sound information or what we hear),
- the visuo-spatial sketchpad (which stores visual and spatial information or what we see and where those items are in space), and (attention, controls information to and from the other areas of working memory).
learn more about difference between working memory and short-term memory: