X - the number of plants in 8 in pots
y - the number of plants in 10 in pots

4 plants in 8 in pots and 2 in 10 in pots.
Alright, expand the given equation:
(2+x) (2+x) (2+x) (2+x) (2+x)
Use FOIL method and distribution to solve
At the final answer, find the x^2 and the number that multiplies to it is the coefficient
I can't do the actually expansion for you, it would take a decently long time. You should be able to, its a good practice. Good luck!
(0, 4.5)
Step-by-step explanation:
*The equation can be put into Desmos, to find the point, but the work to prove it is here*
C=18 A=3 -B=-0.1
*Replace x with 0 in the equation, so you know 0 is the x value, and it leads you to the y value*
= 18/1+3e^0
x=0 y=4.5
Maximum growth rate = (x,y) --> (0, 4.5)
Hope this helps:))!!
More informally: The two's complement of an integer is exactly the same thing as its negation. ... It means "to find the negation of a number (i.e., its two's complement) you flip every bit then add 1"
“S” = 3g /2n
I would think