For a fish to be buoyant, or float, it must displace less water or the same amount of water as its own body mass. ... Many fish use swim bladders to help them with quick depth changes. These bladders fill with air to help fish rise or release air so fish can sink, often in conjunction with forward movement.
The autonomic nervous system<span> plays an essential </span>role<span> in </span>keeping the body'sinternal environment (temperature, salt concentration, blood sugar, oxygen and carbon dioxide level in blood, etc) in proper balance, a condition calledhomeostasis<span>. ... These and other </span>body<span> actions are controlled by the autonomic</span>nervous system<span>.
Hope this helps :)</span>
E. On the inside of the folded chain, away from water.
Therefore, it is called a solvent, because it <span>is the one doing the dissolving.
The opposite - </span>a substance being dissolved is called a solute.