The tiny structures inside of cells, such as Ribosomes or chloroplasts that have specialized roles are called organelles. These structures are found in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells and are enclosed with a membrane. These tiny structures are not present in prokaryotes like in bacteria.
Marine biotechnology may include techniques such as bioprocessing, bioharvesting, bioprospecting, bioremediation, using bioreactors etc (so called process biotechnology techniques); aquaculture/fisheries; gene, protein, or other molecule based techniques; while applications may include: health, food, cosmetics
Industrial produce chemical reaction environment
This change in demand impact the shrimps' ecosystem is such ways:
biodiversity will decrease
the ecosystem will experience habitat degradation
To interview, around 1-1.5 million ha of coastal marshes have been transformed into shrimp pools, including essentially salt flats, mangrove regions, marshes, and horticultural lands. The influence of shrimp cultivation of most matter is the elimination of mangroves and salt marshes for fishpond construction.
Answer:carbon dioxide
Cause animals release carbon dioxide for plants to inhale amd exhale oxygen