Uranus has an equatorial radius of 25,559 km and a radius of 24,973 km at the poles.
We are given a function of the bouncing of the ball expressed as f(n) = 9(0.7)n in which n is an integer as the number of times the ball has dropped. 9 represents the initial height of the ball and 0.7 is the percent of which the height is reserved
Sorry I'm in high school.. but according to my physics class, the instantaneous speed is when t (time) is 0, or whatever you'd use (like x).. anyways, when t=0, the instantaneous speed would be 3 ft/s, and the instantaneous acceleration is 0.
The ODE is linear:
Multiplying both sides by gives
Notice that the left side can be condensed as the derivative of a product:
Integrating both sides with respect to yields
Since ,
so that