My friend was so busy that she barely acknowledged me when I entered the room
Answer: 125
Explanation: If you divide 400 by 3 you get 375, then you divide 375 by 3 and you get 125.
A setting can influence a lot the story because it can provide the tone of your story and it can also offer the background symbolism and it can transform the premise and the potential of the whole story. The thing is that the setting can give a lot of posibilities and pose interest on the readers.
To get to safety, Winton's children had to travel through the heart of Nazi Germany. Eight trains departed from Warsaw between March and August 1939
A simile is a figure of speech that directly compares two things. Similes differ from metaphors by highlighting the similarities between two things using words such as "like", "<u>as</u>", or "than", while metaphors create an implicit comparison.